Entire books have been writing on the topic of setting goals, and while you can really break goals down into a million different pieces and approach them from multiple angles, there’s really just one big question that you need to answer for the purposes of this guide: why are you here?
Think about this and come up with a sentence, or a couple of sentences, describing why you’re here and what you want to achieve. It doesn’t have to be perfect and you can update this later or over time, but get something down on paper.
Some examples might be:
“I want to invest a portion of my income into crypto to diversify against banks and traditional currencies” or
“I want to find a way to earn $x/year from crypto so I can quit my job” or
“I am interested in the technology and want to explore job opportunities in crypto, and perhaps invest a little bit to see if I can make some money” or
“I want to go all-in and seize the opportunity to making generational wealth FU money this cycle”.
Whatever it is, think about it, and jot it down. We’ll come back to this soon.
<aside> ✍️ Action Step: Write down 1 or 2 sentences that identify your overall goal for being in crypto.
Next up.. ⤵️